About Me

Hello, I'm William! Over the span of a twenty year career in the Special Operations and Intelligence Communities, I've become adept at solving complex problems with innovative solutions, fusing creativity with tactical execution. Along the way, I discovered code as a tool to optimize many of the processes and workflows in the workplace. I enjoy the utility and power that lines of code bring in turning the roughest ideas into elegant and functional realities. Being able to help others do the same is a passion of mine. Whenever I'm not on the keyboard, I enjoy surfing, hiking, and spending time with my family.

Recent Work

Bang Bangs Hair Salon

Static website for a boutique hair salon providing users a sleek web viewing experience

Nami Nori Sushi House

Modern website for a Hawaiian Sushi House that offers users an interactive and filterable

Seanikk Views

Portfolio website for a professional photograper that offers a menu of booking sessions and previes

Jenny Wanders

Journal-based travel influencer blog that provides users the ability to filter entries

Contact Me